End of the weekend! Twas a good one.
Actually the first two days weren't so hot. One day was a crushing reminder of my low skill level in Japanese (which was actually really fun other than the whole crushing part) and the second one I did *nothing*... oops planning failure. I did manage to take photographs for 5 hours which actually didn't really turn out any good photographs, but I found some interesting places on my campus. And watched "ただ、君を愛している" (Tada, Kimi wo Aishiteiru) again, one of my favorite movies. Its a heart breaking photographer love story,,, perfect :D
BUT, today was more exciting. I went to a SOCCER GAME. Which is a very strange thing to do for me, as I'm not generally into sports (other than the Olympics and World Cup, or anything where my favorite countries are competing). But my friend had tickets and invited me! And despite the game ending in a tie (lots of boo-ing) and me not really understanding what was going on in the game, it was a lot of fun! Took a lot of pictures, tried out my telephoto lens ;) .
Here are just two shots:

They shot crazy shiny _____ (I forgot the word,,,, its the same as "LITTLE BITS OF COLORED PAPER") onto the field, and it drifted down in an awesome cloud of shinyness. (This one is hard to see unless you view it large)

Saw a lot of this during the game (guy laying on the ground)... this was actually less than 30 seconds into the game xDDD (notice the shiny bits all over the field x3)
And I of course have a lot more pictures but I don't feel like uploading them all now so thats all for now :D. But also, afterwards we went to the wonderful Uwajimaya (a Japanese grocery store) and I was unable to escape the lure of Japanese candy. So I picked up these adorable candies. I particularly like the name "LUCKY STICK" and the プリン (pudding)'s face, 笑. Oh and I randomly put a box of film in the picture too,,, another box I like haha.

Meiji "LUCKY STICK", Glico Pocky Mouth Melting Winter Flavor, Kabaya Pudding Chocolate, and Ilford HP5 Plus 400 (guess which one doesn't fit in the picture)
Oh and one more random picture I really like.

This is my good buddy Rui. Notice his studiousness, he is carrying a law textbook under his arm, which he carries everywhere, every day (although never reads)
Took this in the library with my big telephoto lens, which does not work in a dark place like the library, but with judicious editing I ended up with something I find pretty interesting in a lomo way :D.
Anyway, time to finish up homework and start the new week. Its rather scary, I only have 5 weeks left at my university, and then I won't be back for about 13 months xDD.... strange feeling.
Thanks for reading! :D